American Preppers Networks

The idea of regional/state preparedness networks seems to be catching fire.  Just like what has happened with a couple friends and I, people are looking out to how they can begin to share the information they have about preparedness of all forms to their neighbors.  The early networks such as Texas and us here in Utah started as simply a couple bloggers looking to network together a little more.  Now in our amateur attempts to help ourselves and our friends, we seem to have started something, as we began to see other states such as Kentucky, Idaho, and Colorado start their own groups.   As it should be, each is independant, representing local bloggers trying to share their experiences in life with the local flavor.usa

Well, several people have been wondering how they could possibly start a group for their own state.  Some even stooping to asking us (talk about a rewarding feeling, as if this is successful :) ) how to get a group started.  I’m glad to say that somebody has stepped up to make this process even easier.  Check out American Preppers Network, which is an umbrella blog.  He’s also created blogspot blogs for each of the 50 states, and will hand them out to anybody who’s willing to step up and lead the charge.  Interested in seeing something for your state, step up and help out, it’s never been easier.

Of course, if you have the technical aptitude, feel free to use other means.  This site here just happens to have a bunch of geeks running things, so we run our own software, on our own server.  But as all things preparedness related, use your own strengths. :)

Here’s a list of some already running.









South Dakota



2 Replies to “American Preppers Networks”

  1. Hi Connor! Welcome aboard – great site look! Must be nice to be, ah, technically smart with this stuff lol! Oh well – love the site and will be visiting often.
    God Bless and Prep On

  2. Hi Connor! Welcome aboard – great site look! Must be nice to be, ah, technically smart with this stuff lol! Oh well – love the site and will be visiting often.
    God Bless and Prep On

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