I will never hide the fact that I am a geek, a gadget geek in the scope of this post. I love playing with various “toys” and trying to find the perfect tools for whatever need I have.

So this week, one of the shiny things to catch my attention is found over on the ThinkGeek Gadgets site, It’s a key-sized multi-tool, for a decent price. Now I’ve checked out lots of ‘key’ tools the past few years.From constantly watching for a chance at picking up an Atwood Ti, to usually crappy quality key-tools that are way too clunky to want to carry on my limited keychain. Previously I was leaning towards the Gerber Artifact
(via ThinkGeek:
Gerber Artifact Pocket Keychain Tool) (Which I still wouldn’t mind, for sure). It’s a nice tool, but still isn’t quite the same idea of this. While the artifact tries to be another knife, this tool attempts to be all the various non-blade tools from your swiss-army knife.
This however beats out those crappy ones (not the atwoods though, of course). It’s thin, not wider than a normal key. Nor is it bulky, sticking out wrong. It has several helpful functions which are actually labeled to help jog the memory. It’s the perfect choice when I don’t want to carry my swiss army style knife, but would rather keep a single blade on me. I don’t lose access to the common tools this way. Hey, it’s probably safe to take on a plane too!.
Also well thought out, is that it actually wraps onto your existing keys, so it covers the sharper edges, and doesn’t rip up your pocket so much.
Link: Keychain Multi-Tool
These keys always seem like they would open up in my pocket at the wrong time :(
The artifact, cool, but not sure about that blade. Like the pry-bar aspect.
Scott and I actually have the Keychain Multi-Tools, and we love them. We keep them on our keys, and have actually had them go on the plane with us a few times accidentally. They are totally inconspicuous. They are actually a little hard to open — you can’t open them one-handed — so I’m not worried about it opening in my pocket by accident.
If there’s a mall knife shop near you, often they have these there, so that you can try it out. We got ours from Amazon, but lots of places carry them…
A multipurpose item that everyone should have.
I have the Utili-Key 6-in-1 Tool, and I’ve never had it open. It’s actually a bit difficult to open!