Pocket Super Shelter Now On Kickstarter

Local favorite Mikhail Merkurieff has a new survival shelter project on kickstarter that just crossed into the funded category.

I’m a big fan of some of the previous projects he’s done (especially the nice Cabuya Handlines) and I think this is one that is going to be living in one of my kits for sure. The basis is a stronger, lightweight emergency shelter for winter conditions.

I’m sure many of us have used various mylar blankets, or other products to maximize warmth in bad conditions, and make no mistake they can help. However,  there are limitations in most existing commercial products that this product is designed to address. Check out the video, and give it a kick.


I’m really excited to try out the heat capture, which should give large benefits over the basic practice of directing the opening of a shelter to the heat source.  A little less smoke, and a lot more contained warmth would be very welcome. Getting it in a lightweight package that won’t be destroyed just by using it once is even better.

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